60 Years! What a lot of experiences, so many now-historic images. There is something about this area of New Mexico—it’s been called the Taos Hum. A sixth sense, a vibration, a spirit—whatever it is, it is unforgettable, becomes part of every visitor, even if that visit is just a short time. My own visits over decades is a journey and a life that I’m pleased to share with everyone, the incidents, the people. Plus my philosophy of photography that grew and developed and evolved into an artistic life.

Fragments in Libraries and Museums
Thanks University of Denver, Denver Art Museum gift shop, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos Artists at Fechin House, Made in New Mexico, The Bookies, Brodsky Books, Collected Works Bookstore—love you for carrying my book!
No news yet about opening for Powwow yet, but we think back and honor all Americans who have served.
Awards for Fragments of Spirit
Sara Frances displays gold award certificates for Fragments of Spirit

It was worth the wait!
Fragments of Spirit arrived state side in January, and it’s now in the Denver Art Museum, the Millicent Rogers in Taos, The Denver Public Library—and it has won two EVVY fine publication awards for content and design.

History or Story?
I am an unofficial, experiential historian. I find details in surprising places, in randomly found stories told by chance acquaintances.

On the Road to Independently Publish
After striving with text and images for more than 10 years, how could I wait another two years to get Fragments of Spirit published under a traditional university publisher?

Ready to Publish?
Everybody Loved the original title Dust Spirits—sort of. Both title and cover needed tweaking.

Journey from Wet to Dry Darkroom
I had been an My first award winning design if a photo book was in 1993. All me art became about books: fine art studies, portraits, even weddings and commercial clients. I became hooked on storytelling in a panoramic format.

Fragments: a Family Backstory
Like most photographers, authors, and arm-chair travelers, the dream of being published had lodged in the back of my mind from childhood.