Literary Parking Sign

Literary parking sign posted near the University of Denver

Literary parking sign posted near the University of Denver

My “parking sign” titled “Space for a Woman” is up! It’s an excerpt of my writing, a paragraph from a short story, that has been printed on metal and posted for the amusement and amazement of the public. A fun and honorable project to stir the imagination. I asked for a duplicate “parking sign” to post right in our garden where people can see it walking by. Thanks to the Lighthouse Writers Workshop team!

• what was the visualization behind the parking sign project?

Lighthouse Writers Workshop wanted to create as many moments of spontaneous, literary interactions with the public as possible. Creating the parking signs and sourcing the material from our community seemed like an excellent opportunity to do that.

Sidewalk view of Sara Frances’ literary parking sign for

Sidewalk view of Sara Frances’ literary parking sign for

• Write Denver concept was established when?

The Write Denver project, the umbrella for the parking sign project, was established by Lighthouse in 2015, but really took off when Lighthouse won the Colorado Art Tank grant in early 2016.

• how many signs have been posted to date?

We have almost 50 signs along the Colfax Avenue corridor from the capitol building to East High School, with another dozen or so that we're planning on installing in a different location. There's no map--we ask people to walk the Fax taking their time to read the signs as they go and reflect on the writing between signs..

• who are the authors?

Community members and writers from Lighthouse's adult community engagement workshops.

• who are the funding angels behind the project?

Lots of awesome organizations--the first one was Colorado Art Tank, a part of the Arts Affinity Group, also Denver Arts & Venues Imagine 2020 initiative, Colorado Creative Industries, and the Bonfils-Staton Foundation.

• will the parking sign project continue?

Yes! Every year Lighthouse budgets for more parking signs to be created.

Text of Sara Frances’ literary parking sign for

Text of Sara Frances’ literary parking sign for


Bob Coates - Master Photographer


John Fielder Landscapes